
Episode #227 – Invest in yourself…without the guilt (Finance Series Part 4)

March 1, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
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Investing in yourself might seem out of the question. You consider it ‘cash to burn’ and don’t see any financial returns on it.

But when you classify everything as an expense, it’s hard to see anything as an investment. You miss the opportunities that come your way and keep tunnel vision on the short-term.

Opportunity costs when you hold onto it. But if you play with the right hand, the investments could have a return beyond anything you’ve imagined.

In this episode, you’ll learn 3 ways to invest in yourself without guilt (and an unlimited potential for growth).

Show highlights include:

  • How to differentiate expenses and investments for your most powerful purchases yet. (2:20)
  • How to stop thinking like a Cash Burner and make the best investments for your future. (9:55)
  • Why taking your income to the next level isn’t all about finances. (12:45)
  • The Experience Elements that are worth the investment (and take your finances beyond). (15:33)


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