Productivity & Time Management

Episode #220 – Breaking the “getting caught up” cycle

January 11, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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You may think that weekends and holidays are the time to get caught up. You finish the work week only to overstuff your time off with even more things to do. And you’re always trying to catch up.

But is being caught up really possible? Or is chasing that myth only leaving you drained and disappointed? Time off should be for true rest and rejuvenation (and not tackling another to-do list).

In this episode, you’ll hear my top four ways to keep work in its proper place (while enjoying time off to do what you’d like).

Show highlights include:

  • Why leaving more tasks undone may be good for you.  (2:30)
  • Debunking the myth of getting caught up and doing what feeds your soul instead. (5:27)
  • How to keep your holidays sacred even when there is a backlog of work. (10:15)
  • Why pride keeps you from prioritizing and progressing in life. (12:43)
  • How to work through big projects and reclaim true rest (even when you don’t think you have the time). (13:50)


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