Health & Well Being

Episode #218 – A fresh approach to the Enneagram with Leslie Hershberger

December 28, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
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In last week’s episode, we took a whirlwind tour of the Enneagram and its nine types. You may have even found out where you fit into the Enneagram model (and what drives your behavior).

But the gateway to deeper connection is in communicating with all types of the Enneagram. And you can break them up into three centers of communication – head, heart, and body.

When you can listen and learn from anyone, patterns emerge. You understand how people thrive, connect, and work best. When you pay attention to what makes people feel most alive, deeper connection is possible.

In this episode, you’ll discover the Enneagram way of connecting with others on a deeper level.

Show highlights include:

  • How to communicate and connect with your full self using the Narrative Enneagram.  (3:44)
  • Why the Center’s Approach enhances teamwork and produces your best work. (12:11)
  • How to stop centering emotions around others and feel more connected with yourself. (19:45)
  • How to feel more supported (and less overwhelmed by feelings). (23:30)
  • Using Enneagram language to connect with others (while respecting boundaries). (31:48)


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The Enneagram Personality Assessment:

Learn More About Leslie Hershberger’s Work:

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