Health & Well Being

Episode #211 – Are you at war with your body?

November 9, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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If you’ve ever felt like you’re at war with your body, you’re not alone. In fact, 97% of women report they think intensely negative thoughts about their bodies every single day. We actually bond over this common misery.

And yet if you’re always treating your body as the enemy, you’re in for a rough ride. You’ll fight every flaw and try to tweak every aspect of your appearance. Which leads to nothing but more fear, shame, and stress…

Finding peace isn’t about having the perfect body – instead it’s rooted in finding a new way to think about the one you have.

In this episode, you’ll discover the 4 ways you might be at war with your body (and learn how body neutrality might be a game changer for you).

Show highlights include:

  • How to stop hiding your body like a failed grade school art project. (2:55)
  • How to stop treating your body like a misbehaving child.(4:52)
  • Why it feels like your body is the playground bully ready to taunt you. (6:28)
  • The first step toward peace when you’ve created a war time enemy with your body (8:20)
  • The two emotions that stop you from feeling joy and compassion towards your body.  (10:25)
  • The 5 benefits of Body Neutrality (and how it helps you notice your body without judgment). (12:24)
  • One tactic to appreciate your body (when you start to feel those old feelings creep in). (19:00)


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