Health & Well Being

Episode #199 – Letting go of Control with Dr. Nathan Fite, Founder, Cincinnati Anxiety Center

August 17, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
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It doesn’t come as a surprise that most people want control in their lives, but the desire for it feeds anxiety.

When you can’t control your environment, you get a gut feeling that something is wrong. It keeps you trapped and in fear of making a move.

But if you’re too focused on what you can’t control, the opportunities for what you can are gone.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to loosen the grips on life and accept uncertainty for a new level of freedom.

Show highlights  include:

  • How to stop demonizing your anxiety for a safer environment today (8:20)
  • The most common anxiety disorders (15:19)
  • How to let go of control and get in tune with your environment with the Evolutionary Perspective (19:55)
  • How to accept things you can’t change and let go of the suffering with the Marsha Linehan formula (22:42)
  • The T.I.P.P. Way to cope through your next anxious moment (25:11)
  • A mindful approach to feeling safer in the world and getting excited about new experiences (27:57)
  • The surprising indicator that you’re ready to seek help (and the first steps in getting there) (29:40)



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