Purpose & Dreams

Episode #171 – Becoming Iconic with entrepreneur coach Ali Brown

February 2, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Is it possible to run a thriving business and maintain healthy relationships with your family at the same time? Absolutely! But understanding how to balance the demands of both can be a challenge.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

In this episode, entrepreneur coach Ali Brown discusses how to prevent your business success from hurting your family, why you shouldn’t niche down too early, and why hiring household help can improve your business.

Show highlights include:

  • How to ensure a skyrocketing business doesn’t damage your home life (8:25)
  • Why choosing your niche too early could stunt your business growth from the beginning (12:42)
  • The reason many women never create seven and eight-figure businesses (that has nothing to do with skill or talent) (17:41)
  • A guilt-free approach to justify hiring help around the house (23:31)
  • Why striving to become iconic eliminates all your worries about competition (26:24)
  • How to become indispensable to your employer so you can write your own ticket (28:08)
  • Why homeschooling isn’t as scary as it seems (and how to make it work for your family) (34:41)

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