Productivity & Time Management

Episode #170 – Why you need a life outside of work

January 26, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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With more people working from home, you would think productivity would skyrocket. There is less time being wasted on things like commuting, and that should leave more time for work and family, right?

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case. Instead, work expands to fill so much of the available time which leads to more hours spent working, and less productivity.

In this episode, I discuss why spending less time at work can make you more efficient and how non-work activities can improve your work and family life.

Show highlights include:

  • Why spending time away from work and family makes you a better employee, spouse, and parent (6:12)
  • The surprising reason “wasting time” can be the most productive thing you do today (7:01)
  • A simple step you can take today to prevent Parkinson’s Law from consuming your every waking moment (12:03)
  • Why working from home is a slippery slope to working yourself too hard and what you can do immediately to help (13:28)
  • How to make volunteer community service feel like play instead of a work-like obligation (18:28)
  • The working mom’s secret to making household work a source of joy and family connection (21:40)

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