Purpose & Dreams

Episode #157 – Starting a Nonprofit with Suzy DeYoung, founder of La Soupe

October 27, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Lots of women have the dream of starting a non-profit that aligns with their passion. The idea of solving a problem by using their gifts and talents is a dream come true.

But the amount of work and logistics that go into starting a non-profit can be overwhelming.

In this episode, I’m joined by world-class chef and non-profit entrepreneur Suzy DeYoung. We discuss how to identify problems that match your gifts and how to overcome the challenges that come with forming a non-profit.

Show highlights include:

  • How you can spot the needs for your non-profit to serve (17:06)
  • How to recognize (and stop ignoring) timing and signs that cannot be ignored when searching for your life’s purpose (22:15)
  • Why “competing” non-profits in your area are a good thing and how coexisting benefits everyone (25:09)
  • How serving others helps them feel cared for and destroys their poverty mindset (38:49)
  • The amazing way a non-profit can change the future of an entire family for generations to come (44:03)
  • A brilliant way to save resources by partnering with your community in the early stages of your organization (45:23)
  • Why collaboration is essential when starting a non-profit (50:48)

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