Health & Well Being

Episode #150 – Watch your language: the power of how we talk to ourselves

September 8, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Your words shape your life. And you have an inner dialogue running at all times. But you may not know how profoundly that inner dialogue can affect your actions, decisions, and mindset.

When it comes to harmful inner dialogue, I’ve noticed three major themes that hold women back from achieving the balance they’re striving for.

In this episode, I discuss the three areas that hold women back and how to overcome them.

Show highlights include:

  • Why your “shoulds” create constant suffering and how to make the shift to a more abundant mindset (7:40)
  • How negative anticipation inhibits your ability and motivation to take action (9:18)
  • The subtle but significant difference between guilt and shame that can derail your life (11:47)
  • Why the “blinking lights” in your mind light the path to destruction and how you can turn them off (14:29)
  • How your inner dialogue magnetizes the results you get in your life (15:41)

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  1. Sandy Stricker says:

    I LOVED LOVED LOVED this episode. While I’m familiar with the inner critic (all too well) I hadn’t thought about the fact that when I say these words or have these thoughts, I’m subconsciously looking for evidence of this being true. It’s the law of attraction in the negative sense. I’m going to be laser focused on my words and thoughts! Thanks!!

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