
Episode #136 – Why you’re overeating and underexercising (Stress Watchout #1)

June 2, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
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Have you ever found yourself saying something like, “Where are those chips?” or “I really need a drink” after a stressful day? For so many of us, stress causes bad habits to resurface. We eat too much, drink too much, and move too little. While this is common, it’s also destructive.

In this episode, I’m sharing why we turn to food and alcohol when we’re stressed, and I’m giving you a simple question to get you back on the right track if you don’t like how you feel. This is the first of a four part series on Stress Watchouts.

Show highlights include:

  • 2 reasons it’s so easy to eat or drink too much when you’re stressed (1:31)
  • The truth about alcohol and sleep (2:30)
  • The reason you aren’t exercising as much as you probably should be right now (4:42)
  • Overcome this misperception and you’ll learn to love movement (6:20)
  • This one question can help you get just enough food and exercise to feel amazing (9:40)

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Learn more about Cherylanne’s work:  https://brilliant-balance.com

Find out more about the Brilliant Balance Breakthrough program: https://brilliant-balance.com/program/

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