
Episode #127 – My “Surf or Swim” Time Management Approach

March 31, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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As a disclaimer, this episode was recorded prior to the social distancing impacts around current events.  If any pieces of this episode sound slightly tone deaf, it’s because they were recorded in a world that had a very different tone. It’s amazing how the world can change in just a couple of weeks, isn’t it?

Regardless, I assure you the topic holds up. This episode will help you manage the “ocean of unknown” we’ve been dropped into – so, grab your board and let’s learn how to surf together…


Years ago, my approach to time management was like that of a swimmer. I focused on what was in front of me, got it done and moved on to the next thing. And when life is calmer, like the water in a pool, this approach to time management works well.

But when things get more complicated, all of a sudden it may seem as though you got dropped in the middle of the ocean. Instead of still water, you have waves coming at you from every direction. And this requires a different approach.

In this episode, I’ll teach you the 3 important skills you must learn to take the time management approach of a surfer.

Show highlights include:

  • What swimmers can teach you about how to approach your daily tasks (5:30)
  • The unmistakable sign you need to change your time management style (10:01)
  • The #1 skill you must master to “surf” effectively (11:18)
  • If you try to surf without this key attribute, you’ll get tossed by the waves (15:26)
  • How to successfully push through the grueling transition from swimmer to surfer (17:27)


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