
Episode #112 – Managing an International Move with a Family with Heather Warnke, a Brilliant Balance Alum

December 17, 2019

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With big opportunities come some big challenges, and moving overseas is no exception. An international move may seem out of reach for you and your family, but with the right plan and preparation, you can make it happen.

Today I had the pleasure of speaking with a Breakthrough graduate, Heather Warnke. After receiving an offer for a job in Australia, Heather moved with her spouse and son across the world and learned a lot in the process.

Listen in as we discuss the challenges and benefits of an international move, including where to focus your attention and how to have a successful transition to life outside of the USA.

Show highlights include:

  • How to let go of old dreams to embrace the new ones (6:46)
  • Getting your children on board with a move abroad (9:16)
  • The importance of creating your family vision before the move (11:22)
  • The benefits of living internationally (14:56)
  • How to manage your time to include your priorities (23:06)


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