
Episode #123 – Do you work too much? Here’s why (and what to do about it)

March 3, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
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Do you ever worry that you work too much? You love the work you do and know that it provides benefits, to your clients, your family, and to you. But when the motivation to work begins to take priority over your family, relationships, or personal life, has it gone too far?

The term “workaholic” has been tossed around for decades, but how do you know if you really are working too much? And if you are, how do you take steps to fix it?

In today’s episode, I’m going to help you define what it means to be a workaholic, help you figure out why you work too much, and finally, help you figure out how to work less without inducing panic!

Show highlights include:

  • Why doing the work you love can be silently destroying your most important relationships, and how to restore balance (3:15)
  • These 7 behaviors are warning signs that you are over-working and putting the other areas of your life at risk (4:55)
  • The true reason you work too much, and why you have the power to fix it yourself (6:35)
  • The difference between “work engagement” and workaholism, and why getting it wrong is worse than you think (7:58)
  • These six motivations to work seem harmless, but taking them too far can be shortening your life (9:30)
  • 3 easy ways to redirect your motivation to work that can bring balance to your life (18:35)
  • The counterintuitive reason leaving things on your to-do list can set your mind at ease (21:54)

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