Tracey, Fort Thomas, KY

January 26, 2016

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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My life was really good!  That was how I would describe my life because as I looked at my life, there wasn’t one thing I could say was bad.  My children are wonderful – striving and thriving!  My husband adores me and he is my most favorite person to be with on any day.  I had created a lifestyle where I exercise and eat healthy, having been overweight in my young years.  I have a beautiful house and a job which not only pays nicely but the mission of the company resonated with my core beliefs.  I drive the coolest car and I have two precious dogs who make me feel like a kid again.  So why did I feel unfulfilled? 

I knew of Cherylanne from a colleague and while I considered reaching out to her, I believed on some level that I was not the type of client she worked with so I didn’t give her a call.  My friend forwarded me an email with Cherylanne’s blog included and that same day, I sent a request to learn more about what she does.  And my fears were totally unfounded!!  She is just simply amazing – genuinely nice, extraordinarily intuitive, and super knowledgeable.  The key description she used for her service which made me realize I wanted her to be my coach was when she explained how she would teach me how to test little changes in my life and then I could step back to evaluate them and reflect on whether I wanted to adopt what she suggested.  I would be in control and she would be my guide.

With Cherylanne’s guidance I have accomplished so much over the past 4 months. I have a new job with new potential and am preparing to move my family into our dream home!

Surprisingly, one of my main hurdles sounds simple but it was a key to unlocking the places where I was stuck. I had to figure how to ‘declutter’ my house.  As a mom of teenagers, I had let the house go by the wayside for many years – I focused on my family and my career so the house was low priority.  I brought my list to Cherylanne and explained how I was just not motivated to work through the list because I didn’t know how I would keep from getting back into the same situation.  She immediately identified my resistance:  as a life long perfectionist, I was resistant because I couldn’t do it perfectly!  Cherylanne’s words were gentle and compassionate and she promised to walk me through the steps to remove the clutter as well as implement steps to not repeat past behavior. 

My favorite example of my transformation involves my wardrobe.  My closet was full of clothes and some of the clothes I had kept since my daughter was a baby (she’s 18 now!).  I had clothes ‘just in case’ I need them.  I had clothes which were given to me as gifts so I didn’t feel comfortable not keeping them.  Wow!  Cherylanne put a new perspective on giving up those clothes.  If I am not using the clothes, could I consider sharing them with a person who would use them – someone in need who would greatly appreciate them?  And she explained a mantra which I will forever use when selecting any new items to add to my wardrobe:  Everything I wear should make me feel like 100% – every day!  She gave me one other piece of advice which brought me great peace:  it’s ok to make a mistake in my wardrobe…if a selection doesn’t give me 100%, it’s ok to give it up…simply forgive myself and know that I am not going to be perfect.  It took some time but I must say, I feel 100% about what I am wearing today 🙂

This is just one example, we have worked through so many areas of my life that seemed unchangeable to find ways I could get closer to where I wanted to be!   I have started to share what I’m learning with my children too which gives me much happiness.  My hope is they can  learn this earlier in life than I did!

I’m still working with Cherylanne and I keep finding new possibilities I hadn’t considered – it’s pretty amazing, really.

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