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Here’s your peek into what’s on my mind and on my heart as we navigate this full chapter of life together .
Inspiration for a brilliantly balanced life.
A lot of us have a weird anxiety around money. We don’t like looking at our bank account, thinking about retirement or reviewing our expenses. But being afraid of finances costs you—and not just financially. In this episode, you’ll discover how to defeat financial fear and be more confident around money to have less stress […]
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As current events take over the news and our conversations, it seems that our world has completely changed overnight. Women are faced with adjusting to their “new normal.” Staying at home and social distancing are one thing, but how do you respond to the very real threats this downturn poses to your career and economic […]
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In life, there are three arenas in which all high achieving women feel compelled to compete, and it’s never enough to be good at just one of them. We hold ourselves to a high standard – we want to excel in ALL of them, and more often than not, this becomes a frustrating game of […]
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