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The Brilliant Balance Blog

Here’s your peek into what’s on my mind and on my heart as we navigate this full chapter of life together .  

Inspiration for a brilliantly balanced life.

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Episode #380 – When Success Hides Struggle: Dr. Judith Joseph on High-Functioning Depression

Are you tired of the constant hustle and yet feel restless when you finally stop? You’re not alone! Rediscover your happiest self through today’s episode as I explore the concept of high-functioning depression with renowned board-certified psychiatrist and researcher, Dr. Judith Joseph. Dr. Judith shares how success and achievement can often mask underlying undetected depression. […]

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I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Stop Feeling So Tired All The Time: 8 hacks for working women that really work!

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One of the most often cited things we want is so simple – to be happier! So are you ready to unlock the secrets to a happier life? Discover the art of balancing the pursuit of pleasure with the richness of deep fulfillment, and learn actionable strategies to elevate both. Plus, hear about an exclusive […]

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…and she lived happily ever after. As little girls we bought into the fairy tale, so sometimes as women, we want to live a life without any challenges or hiccups — and effortlessly sail into retirement.  But the reality is: ALL good stories have conflict.  The meaningful things in life are created through struggle. Good […]

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Sometimes we pride ourselves on ‘caring too much.’ But making a decision can feel practically impossible when you are trying to keep everyone else happy. And if you’re always yearning for approval, you’ll find it harder to make the right decisions for yourself. When you bury your own needs, you lose touch with the things […]

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Have you ever said, “I’ll be so happy when…” or “I won’t be happy until…”? Or felt let down upon achieving a huge life goal? This is common for high-achieving women. Nothing is worse than staking your happiness on a goal, only to feel empty when you get what you thought you wanted. But it […]

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Have you experienced the feeling of achieving your personal, professional, and financial goals… yet still feeling dissatisfied? We often get stuck in our “zone of excellence”, collecting achievements and rewards that don’t speak to the core of who we really are. However, we stay there because it’s comfortable and relatively easy, and we avoid moving […]

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In today’s age, work-life balance can feel like an impossible feat. The ever-compounding stress from long workdays can be extremely damaging to your health, relationships, and overall happiness. Treat today as your call-to-arms because we’re going to talk about three really important points when it comes to better work-life balance for high-powered women. If you’re […]

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Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like the outsider? Like you’re standing on the outside of a circle while everyone INSIDE it has what you want? It’s definitely not fun, and it can even be incredibly destructive, leading to feelings of envy, isolation, and depression. But it doesn’t have to be […]

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