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Here’s your peek into what’s on my mind and on my heart as we navigate this full chapter of life together .
Inspiration for a brilliantly balanced life.
With back-to-school in sight, we have so many unknowns to face. This will be unlike any other school year we’ve experienced before. And while we didn’t choose any of the circumstances we are about to face, challenges provide the opportunity to grow. And the way we grow is by leaning into the discomfort. In this […]
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So many of us are terrified of failure, and understandably so. From the beginning of our education, we’re conditioned to avoid failure by any means necessary. But what if you were able to stop seeing it as an end state, and rather a path to growth. The fact is, you CAN recover from failure. In […]
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Resilience is your ability to adapt and bounce back when things don’t go according to plan. Resilient people don’t flounder or dwell on their setbacks. They acknowledge what’s happened, learn from their mistake, pick themselves up, and move forward. In today’s show, you’re going to discover 3 keys to help you tap into the power […]
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Fear just might be our biggest challenge to living a happy, fulfilling, and productive life. When you ask most people what their biggest fear is, they say failure. But is that really true? Fear may be the single biggest thing that keeps us from achieving our goals, causing us to shrink back from what we […]
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