Productivity & Time Management

Episode #7 – What gets scheduled gets done

December 12, 2017

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Do you ever struggle to keep certain tasks on your radar while others get done with ease?

Or do you find yourself with an idea a minute and no time to accomplish them all?

Today you will learn exactly how to create the time and space to get things done. I’ll explain the exact method I use to bring efficiency and simplicity into my day so that the most important tasks get checked off my list.

This practice is the the single most effective thing you can do to make sure your actions stay in line with your priorities.

Show Highlights:

  • My simple system for getting things done (2:20)
  • The one easy task that really holds you accountable (8:21)
  • Applying this process to short term to-do lists (10:45)
  • How to create efficiency and synergy in your day (13:55)
  • The skill you need to learn to keep yourself in line (16:33)
  • The only thing you need to make this system work (17:49)
  • How you can find deep satisfaction in your week (19:30)

If you feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions, hop over to, download your free Rebalancing Toolkit and learn how to design an optimized week that lets you feel like you have it all.

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