Health & Well Being

Episode #315 – Finding your People: Reflections from the Brilliant Balance Retreat

November 7, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Feeling lonely or isolated while juggling the demands of work and family? We’ve got you covered in today’s episode of the Brilliant Balance show. Join Cherylanne Skolnicki as she reveals the remarkable impact of finding your people and the power of community.

Get ready for insights, inspiration, and data that highlight the importance of social connections in our lives. Plus, you won’t want to miss the strategies recommended by the US Surgeon General to build a healthier and more connected society.

Tune in now to dive deep into this essential topic and find out how you can create your own support system or join the one within Brilliant Balance. Let’s be brilliant together!

Show Highlights Include:

  • Discover one secret to finding work-life balance  00:02:07
  • Learn tips to live a healthier, more connected life  00:04:37
  • Discover the power of institutions and community programs to mitigate loneliness 00:06:20
  • How to foster connection and combat loneliness?   00:07:02
  • Find out how technology impacts your relationships  00:08:06
  • Discover the power of a buzzing community and unlock possibilities with Brilliant Balance  00:13:44
  • How to connect with like-minded women  00:15:15
  • Discover the power of a supportive circle  00:19:46
  • What happens when coaching becomes interactive?   00:22:45

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