Purpose & Dreams

Episode #282 – Lara Bazelon: Ambitious Like a Mother

March 21, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Merging professional ambition with managing your home life isn’t easy, but I think it’s worth it. While you may constantly have to task-switch between meeting professional goals and meeting the needs of your family, the satisfaction that comes from having a foot in each world runs deep.

The question is – what do we do with the guilt?! Wondering how our professional ambition will affect our kids keeps a lot of working women up at night, and that’s why my guest today decided to investigate.

In this episode, I interview Lara Bazelon: attorney, law professor, and author of the book: Ambitious Like a Mother. Lara and I discuss how we can dance with work-life balance, embrace our ambitions and model for our children what it means to live a truly purposeful life.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • Why the word ‘ambition’ holds a negative meaning for women (and how looking past that can help you achieve your goals faster) (6:24)
  • The three mother-child archetypes (and how they differ in work-home balance) (7:58)
  • Why it’s important to model vulnerability as a leader in the workplace (17:44)
  • Why the children of working mothers fare slightly better than stay at home mothers (26:51)
  • The boring conversations we have to hash out when starting a relationship (instead of going into it blindly) (29:37)

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Check out Lara Bazelon’s website: http://www.larabazelon.com/

Atlantic Article by Lara Bazelon – “The End of Mom Guilt”: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/working-mom-career-women-guilt/629364/





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