Productivity & Time Management

Episode #243 – Pre and post vacation tips so you can take REAL time off

June 21, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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You plan your vacation to relax and take a break from work. But too often being out of the office means you’re cramming in extra hours right up till the moment you leave. By the time you get to the airport, you’re tired, frazzled, and cranky.

If that’s ever happened to you, you’re not alone. Without careful planning, you can easily find yourself glued to your laptop even in the middle of a vacation.

That’s no way to spend your holiday.

In this episode, you’ll discover some pre and post vacation tips so you can take a REAL time off, unplug and make memories you’ll remember for years to come.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include: 

  • How to create a gentle schedule that lets you wrap up and get mentally ready for the vacation (instead of loading yourself with extra work) (5:04)
  • The “Parking Lot Method” to give yourself more mental space before the vacation (6:51)
  • Two essential lists to help you take care of the practical things and save time on planning (7:53)
  • Why finding a go-to person while you’re on vacation is a true game-changer (9:25)
  • The weird way being late with planning out your holiday saves you time and gets you in a vacation mood instantly (12:14)
  • Two “holiday-saving” things to take care of at work that lets you truly unwind while you’re on vacation (13:12)
  • How to create a “check-in schedule” that lets you stay on top of work-related issues without feeling like you’re working (14:57)
  • How to re-enter your normal life without the post-holiday overwhelm (17:17)



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