Health & Well Being

Episode #242 – Sharing the mental load of motherhood

June 14, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Laundry, unwashed dishes, meal plan for the week, work, medical appointments, and so much more. Being a mom comes with a seemingly endless to-do list.

And you’re not only staring down a busy schedule – you’re also carrying around a mental list of decisions, reminders, and things you need to do. With so much to take care of, you can find yourself in constant overwhelm.

If that sounds familiar, this episode is for you.

Today, you’ll learn a powerful framework to tackle the mental load of motherhood. Listen in to get out from under that mental overwhelm and ease the cognitive burden that comes with raising a family.

Show highlights include:

  • How to apply the “Anticipate, Identity, Decide and Monitor Approach” to save yourself from overthinking (3:18)
  • How making a 5-second decision becomes an emotional burden ( and how to break free) (5:02)
  • A powerful framework that helps you pinpoint where you can offload some things in overwhelming situations (9:05)
  • The “sharing is caring” blueprint to easing cognitive overload and learning to let go (15:51)



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