Purpose & Dreams

Episode #204 – Is low-power language sabotaging you? (I was just wondering.)

September 21, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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You need powerful language to command a room or explain a side. And when you don’t know how to make your point, you end up apologizing and underselling.

If you fall into patterns of bad communication, you’ll never make the impact you want in the world. You’ll only weaken your authority and confuse those around you.

In this episode, you’ll discover the 8 ways to stop weakening your language and have more power in your words.

Show highlights include:

  • Why these 4 words soften your conversations and weaken any authority (6:48)
  • The powerful language for strengthening an introduction (8:38)
  • How to strip a speech of insecurities and explain your side (10:07)
  • The most used phrase that takes away your speaking power (before you even get in the game) (12:35)
  • How to avoid handing out ‘permission slips’ before asking the questions you want (15:00)
  • How to stop underselling yourself and influence with authority (16:28)
  • Why the ‘no worries’ approach lowers the power of your language (and consciousness) (17:48)



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  1. Angela Feist says:

    Thank you so much for these 7 watch-outs of lower power language! It is amazing how different a conversation can sound by removing some of these 7 items.

  2. I think this may be one of my favorite podcasts. I’m constantly coaching women on this topic and catching myself every so often as well. These are especially difficult for women struggling with their confidence and questioning our own contributions and value. Cherylanne has put together a great list of patterns to be on the watch for.

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