Purpose & Dreams

Episode #1 – Where will you be in 10 years?

October 30, 2017

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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When you think about it… most people are so consumed by their day-to-day activities that they never give themselves time to stop, plan, and actually change their destination for the better.

On the episode today you’re going to discover how your answer to this one simple question can unlock your true potential in your own journey… and can let you start living the life of purpose and meaning with brilliance!

Show highlights:

  • How to reclaim a sense of control over your life with these three simple questions. (5:44)
  • Do THIS to stop feeling like time is racing by. (6:20)
  • How to create the “map” of your life and move from being completely consumed by your day-to-day hustle to having a life of purpose and meaning. (9:44)
  • The single most important thing you need to do to reach your full potential. (Most women never realize this!) (10:48)
  • How to “live one day at a time” and still win big. (15:50)

Plus, when you feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions, hop over to https://brilliantbalance.net/haveitall – download your free Rebalancing Toolkit to design your optimized week and feel like you’re in control again!

You ready?

Click play… and let’s be brilliant!

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  1. Emma says:

    Hi Cherylanne,
    Thank you for doing such an inspiring and calming podcast! It was very uplifting to hear of your three steps to being able to create a balance between our long term visions and our short term choices and actions. This has certainly inspired me to create my plans with more clarity and purpose.

  2. Vania Bynum says:

    Hi Cherylanne,
    As I work with you in bold, I am looking at the big picture ahead and designing/planning the path forward. This podcast is awesome as I continue my journey. Planning is my area for improvement as you know. I will keep the MANTRA in the forefront. I will share this with my husband.


  3. Tami Hunger says:

    Amen!! I continue my journey!!

    Tami H

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